The best Warrior decks for Hearthstone’s Titans expansion
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The best Warrior decks for Hearthstone’s Titans expansion

Aug 10, 2023

Titans is truly the expansion of the late-game value card, with all of the titular Minions fitting firmly in that category, and Warrior is perhaps the class best positioned to take advantage of that value as Hearthstone’s latest set rolls into town. Boasting a range of powerful cards and viable archetypes, Warrior is in a better position than it has been for a while, meaning fans of the class should strike while the Forge is hot, and try out our picks for the best Warrior decks for Hearthstone’s Titans expansion without delay.

Image by PC Invasion


The most exciting new Warrior archetype to emerge in a long time, Armor Warrior leverages the class’ endless capacity for stalling and Armor gain into a legitimate win condition thanks to new legendary Odyn, Prime Designate. After you’ve dropped this mighty Minion, every point of Armor you gain for the rest of the game will also be added to your Hero’s attack value for one turn.

This completely recontextualizes much of Warrior’s existing toolkit, with borderline-playable Control cards like Heavy Plate and Shield Block suddenly becoming insane burst damage sources in a stroke. Combined with Razorfen Rockstar and your Hero Power, these cards can easily end the game in a single turn, with over 30 damage from hand possible without much trouble.

Before you can destroy your opponent in a single blow, however, you’ll first need to play Odyn: no mean feat given he’s eight mana. To help you get to that stage of the game, this deck includes stall tools like Guard the City and Craftsman’s Hammer, as well as the Riff package from Festival of Legends: Verse Riff, Chorus Riff, and Bridge Riff. Verse Riff is excellent post-Odyn, putting an extra four damage out for just one mana, but all three are useful throughout, with Chorus drawing through your deck and Bridge putting solid stats into play for the cost.

We round things out with some generically solid Warrior cards, including Khaz’goroth, their new Titan. While not the most impressive, especially compared to his peers, he’s incredibly solid, and can contest the board while gaining you card advantage and becoming a legitimate threat in the process. We also include Ignis, the Eternal Flame, since the custom weapons he creates have a good chance to come with Windfury. This can double our damage output post-Odyn, making one-turn wins incredibly easy. Playing somewhere between Midrange, Control, and Combo, this new Warrior deck is the jewel in the class’ crown for Titans.

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Going from meme to meta, Blackrock ‘n’ Roll, Warrior’s much-mocked legendary spell from Festival of Legends, gets a new lease of life thanks to a Common Minion from Titans: Steam Guardian. This card draws you a spell from your deck, then discounts a Fire spell in your hand by one mana. In a deck full of nothing but Minions and Blackrock ‘n’ Roll, Steam Guardian effectively serves as copies two and three of the spell, making the deck much more consistent.

If you play Steam Guardian on turn three, you can then play Blackrock ‘n’ Roll on turn four thanks to the discount, before proceeding to absolutely steamroll your opponent thanks to the huge stat advantage the spell gives you. Minions like Decimator Olgra, Trenchstalker, and Mish-Mash Mosher become board clears and burst damage sources rolled into one, while Minotauren and Zilliax serve as crucial comeback tools to recover from your slow early game, gaining you huge amounts of health while removing Minions in the process.

The deck still isn’t 100% consistent, and there will be times when you don’t draw Blackrock ‘n’ Roll or a Steam Guardian early enough to push for an easy win, but the deck has a solid Midrange shell to keep things going in the early-to-mid game. Cards like Sword Eater and Khaz’goroth let you maintain tempo even without a Blackrock boost, though naturally, they play much better with one, and Lor’themar Theron serves as a backup Blackrock in a pinch or a way to magnify your Monstrous Minions to even greater heights once you’ve played it.

Image by PC Invasion


A bit of an offbeat option, Mech Warrior is a mostly-neutral Mech deck that makes use of Warrior’s powerful exclusive cards within the type, these being Furious Furnace and Dyn-o-matic. Both give you the ability to control the board effectively, making it more likely that you’ll keep a Mech around to Magnetize your other Mechs onto.

Magnetize as a mechanic is extremely powerful, letting you stack up huge piles of stats, and effectively giving them charge in the process since you can Magnetize onto Minions you’ve played previously and attack immediately. This deck plays plenty of Magnetic Minions, including Drone Deconstructor, Mecha-Leaper, and Zilliax, with more generated through Flame Behemoth’s battlecry. Your go-to game plan should be to build up a big mech, ideally a Security Automaton, then use Ini Stormcoil to duplicate it and close out the game. Furious Furnace pairs particularly well with Zilliax, giving you a Lifestealing board clear a la Hollow Hound.

Of course, such a strategy is vulnerable to Silence effects and hard removal, so we run plenty of refill options to keep our hand flush with Mechs. Gorillabot A-3 and Tram Operator replace themselves, and Magatha, Bane of Music offers a guaranteed draw-five: an immense amount of value for just five mana. To round things out we run Steamcleaner, a vanilla-statted Mech that can single-handedly win the game against the Plague Death Knight decks that will undoubtedly be popular in the meta, and Remixed Tuning Fork, for some solid early-game value.

So there you have it: three tough-as-nails Warrior decks that will give you the best chance of winning in Hearthstone’s Titans expansion. There’s a lot of power entering the meta with this new expansion, but with the decks listed above, you’ll be able to hold your ground and get a lot of well-earned wins.

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